
Welcome to the Rugby Gardener's Guild Website

Please come and join us!

We are a thriving gardening club based in Rugby, Warwickshire.  With meetings held over 10 months each year as well as outings to local and regional gardens, we have a very full programme to benefit our members.  See our meetings and outings page for more information.

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History of the Rugby Gardeners Guild

The Rugby Chrysanthemum Society, which had been in existence for over 50 years, decided to widen its activities by bringing together local people interested in gardening.

They believed that there should be an opportunity in Rugby for gardeners to join together for talks and lectures by garden experts, visits to horticultural shows, gardens and nurseries.

The result of the survey carried out with the help of the Percival Guild House was very encouraging and a meeting was arranged on 23rd October 2007, at which it was agreed to form The Rugby Gardeners Guild.

A steering committee under the Chairmanship of Mr Keith Foster prepared the Guilds constitution and arranged a programme of six meetings and three outings for 2008. These proved to be popular and interesting at the end of the first year the membership of the Guild was 95.

Since then we have gone from strength to strength, with some members involved in the local 'Rugby in Bloom' both as entrants and judges, as well as numerous outings and a variety of speakers on all things gardening related.

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